Monday, August 20, 2012

Getting Outdoors in a Concrete Jungle

Being from Milwaukee, WI (represent Wisco), and being the active person I am, I've come to the wall of never-ending concrete and tarmac which completes my urban jungle. It sucks, most of the time, and it makes you think differently; not always in a good way either, I think "road rage" is inevitable in a major city... unless you do a whole bunch of yoga everyday. What I mean is that it's different in the city where you have no green space (or limited amounts), and living in the suburban or rural parts; your attitude is like two sides of the same coin. Yet still many people other than myself fight the same urges everyday and still find ways to get out and play. My friend Haley May is one of those people. In a city where brick and mortar replace trees and grass she still finds time to get back to nature and enjoy the outdoors as much as she can. What follows is is the result of a phone call which turned interview...

Haley May: Student (Psychology/Philosophy) from New York, New York; she travels for leisure, loves everything thing french, is an avid cyclist and outdoor enthusiast.

Eco: What's the best advice you've ever had about camping or being outdoors?
Haley-May: Don't EVER forget Toilet Paper... or maybe tuck the ends of your pants into your socks to keep the ticks out!
E: Both sound like great advice, I can remember forgetting the TP... suffice to say that hasn't happened anymore!
*both laugh*
E: How do you get outdoors in New York?
HM: There is one specific place I go to every day... it's a pier, that has a grassy field on it. There's a lot of trees and it's clear... people walk their dogs there. Otherwise Central Park is always an option.
E: What kind of activities do you enjoy doing outdoors?
HM: Frisbee, riding my bike, volleyball, hiking, water basketball against a10 yr olds... er... yeah or sitting at the pier [in the sun] and reading.
E: Would you say that the last one is your favorite thing to do?
HM: I actually prefer a bike ride, there's a bike path along the Hudson River that leads to downtown. I like to stop there for a smoke and just ride back.
E: Just for the ride, nice! But whats your favorite this about that ride?
HM: hhhmmmm... probably getting to the park at the end of the ride, the nice weather, and just the ride in general. It's a really nice trail.
E: Whats the oldest memory of an activity outdoors?
HM: I was 8 turning 9 and I was at camp, each semester (during school) there'd be a camp outing, which ended up being my first wilderness experience... in cabins, though we had a light bulb, that was it. It was on Bear Island.
E: When have you caught yourself outdoors when you wouldn't expect it and be enjoying it?
HM: That's a good question, I've really never not expected it! I mean, how can you not? *chuckle*
E:I have to ask... you are from New York... What is your favorite foody spot to nab when your out and about?
HM: Casa Havana! It's a great cuban place that reasonably priced. You can just sit and hangout or grab a roast pork sandwich and relax while stuffing your face.
E: Whats your energy food when your outside?
HM: Bananas, hand down all day, any day.
E: Whats your favorite junk food to indulge in outdoors?
HM: I'm a chocolate fiend [though there ARE some redeeming qualities about it]...and Ritz crackers are super addicting.... is that a junk food really though?
E: It's at the least an indulgence! How do you get others outdoors in the city?
HM: I tell them we're going on a bike ride. A lot of people are pretty active as is, I just played in a basketball tourny with a bunch of people from throughout the city. There's plenty to do as long as you know where to look. And there's alot you can do around for free like hiking, belly-dancing, yoga, and whatnot.
E: What do you do when you're not outside and need to keep a healthy mind and body?
HM: I go to yoga and I don't get into fights, generally, I avoid conflict.
E: Whats your favorite piece of "gear"?
HM: My nike high tops, I hike around in them a lot, or my Sierra Club pack because its just plain awesome (which is my favorite NFP to support btw).
E: If there was one thing you could do to change the city to make it more outdoorsy, what would it be?
HM: Completely demolish Statton Island, then make it a park, a nice woodsy awesome park. I can't imagine I'd be alone in that idea either! *laughs*
E: *chuckles* Where's your favorite sunset?
HM: New Hampshire... on the water with the mountains in the backround... ... ... Vermont is a close call to though...
E: Whats your "dream outdoor vacation"?
HM: I have this incredible craving for Washington state, Yosemite (NP), Yellowstone (NP)... I wanna see where it all started. ya know?
E: Both are brilliant, trust me (and I highly recommend everyone goes). Where do you have to see where before you die?
HM: Oh Dude... of course you're going to pull this one on me! Paris (obviously), but there are lots of places I want to see, the list never ends really.
E: What would you tell the skeptipcs of travel and the outdoors?
HM: Youre wasting your time not going out, meeting new people, and going new places. I figure, you're going to get bored in one place (eventually), right? Someone should never not be able to see it all, you should always try to better yourself and make yourself more worldly. Besides, it beats not trying in the first place.
E: Any last remarks or closing thoughts?
HM: You're cute.
E: *giggle* We should go camping sometime!
HM: Obviously. Though for everyone else out there I wish you many safe travels and I'll leave you with a quote! "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide (French writer, humanist and moralist).

Keep getting outdoors and seeking the adventure. Follow outsider news and information with EcoHiker Adventures on Facebook!