Monday, October 15, 2012

What does it take?

It's a good question, one I think a lot of people ask either about themselves or others. I ask it when I find myself feeling slow, low, smooshed, apathetic, or generally poopy. I mean it as a bit of a pep-talk or lecture to myself. As in: "What does it take to get your butt off the couch and [insert activity here]?" My answer doesn't really matter, half the time it's presented before the question is asked; it's asking the question that counts. It's like a rock rolling down a hill, or for you scientific types, an object in motion stays in motion. Once I've got my mind shaken and gearing down for speed I get to it... I find the groove and ride that wave. In no time I'm geared-up and grinding to get going! You can find inspiration in anything, many times without even trying. So, here's a small look into the kind of stuff that inspires me. Hopefully it can inspire you too!

Some of my favorite inspirational lyrics:
"Awake my soul." - 'Awake My Soul' by Mumford and Sons
"I was having rotten luck and nothing went my way til I stumbled on a clearing in the woods..." - 'I'd Do Anything For You' by Ludo
"This could all be yours someday." - 'This Could All Be Yours Someday' by Guster
"Gonna rise up Find my direction magnetically. Gonna rise up. Throw down my ace in the hole." - 'Rise' by Eddie Vedder
"That it's the ocean flowing in our veins. Oh..That it's the salt that's in our tears. Oh..'Cause we could have come so very far. Oh..In at least as many years! Take the highway through the Great Divide." - 'Wedge' by Phish

"All my life I've been searching for something..." - 'All My Life' by Foo Fighters
"Right about now. The funk-soul-brother." - 'Rockafeller Skank' by Fatboy Slim (you know you still love it)
"Lights out guerrilla radio. Turn that shit up." - 'Guerilla Radio' - Rage Against the Machine
"Now I'll be bold, as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart." - 'I Will Wait' by Mumford and Sons
"Into the car baby bleed the gas. Fast is fast never turning back. Oh yeah not scared of that." - 'Great Escape' - Guster

"Can't stop, and I can't stop. Got to keep on movin' or I'll lose my mind. Oh, rockin' down the highway" - 'Rockin' Down the Highway' - Doobie Bros.
"We'll all be planning that route. We're gonna take real soon. We're waxing down our surfboards. We can't wait for June. We'll all be gone for the summer. We're on sufari to stay. Tell the teacher we're surfin', Surfin' U. S. A." - 'Surfin' USA' - Beach Boys
"If no one is beside you when your soul embarks, then I will follow you into the dark." - 'I Will Follow You Into the Dark' - Death Cab for Cutie
"Do what you want, just say so, open up your mind..." - 'Do What You Want' - Guster
"Stop, turn, take a look around at all the lights and sounds, let em bring you in." - 'Lights and Sounds' - Yellowcard

'Requiem for a Tower' - Escala (version)
'Mirando' - Ratatat
'1976' - RJD2
'Fastball' - Yonder Mountain String Band
'Tank!' - Yoko Kano (Cowboy BeBop Soundtrack)
'Drum Trip' - Rusted Root
'Explosive' - RJD2
'Three Flights Up' - Yellowcard

Movies do it for me too. Of course all the outdoors documentaries are a top pick, but other metaphorical, inspiring, or manly-as-shit movies do well too. I like relating to a character who has courage, undertakes a journey, or has the "profound moment of wisdom" which changes their life. But a great story is the basis, it gets you thinking about your own story and how great you can make it.
Into the Wild - Paramount Vantage
180 Degrees South - Magnolia Pictures
Planet Earth - BBC
Star Wars (IV-V-VI) - 20th Century Fox
The Hunger Games - Lionsgate
Reel Rock Tour - Petzl

Can't overlook written publication like books, magazines, blogs, etc. I will say the electronic age has captured me through blogs by outsiders which exemplify the lifestyle and attitude that comes with being an advocate for the open spaces. I peruse several blogs such as The Cleanest Line , Semi-Rad , Gear Junkie , Merrell's , and many more. It's an awesome outlet or idea generator for your adventures or just your adventurous attitude. Of course books such as my Peterson Field Guides and Into the Wild are always on my shelf. I tell sooo many people to just go out and buy a field guide in a subject you're interested just to take with you on hikes (my favorite being edible plants guide). It's a great way to learn, see, and experience the outdoors in a way you may not have before. Try sitting down with it at home, then start thinking about the recipes you could make with your foraged edibles... now tell me that's not even remotely inspiring. Bam!

My Facebook page EcoHiker Adventures has become a source of inspiration too. As I try to keep posts up to inspire and inform others I find myself getting "the fizz" over the photos, quotes, blogs, and news I post. I'm always drooling over a multitude of posts and scheming on how I can get there, see that, or experience it first-hand. It's my hope that others who visit the page feel the same way. I'm trying to get more user interaction on it and encourage people to post on the wall what they think or like about the outdoors. The community is so strong and technology has advanced so much that we now are almost in each others back yard(s)! So lets share an adventure, let the world know; you may very well inspire someone else to adventure forth!

The easiest and best thing it would take for me... friends. It's quite literally the best when someone comes to you with that silly grin on their face, a topo-map, and crazy excitement about an adventure. It doesn't have to be a close friend, knowledgeable outdoor nut, family member, colleague, or someone else you know; you can have a great time with people you may not even know! Some of my best adventures have been with total strangers I meet up with on the trail, through the Internets, airport, cab-share, gear-run, competition(s), locals, and high-rollers of the outdoor industry. Having someone there to share the adventure with (which is #3 on my mission list) can make your trip 10 times better. When you're down they can be up, when you're lagging they can motivate you, when you're bogged down with weather you have someone to pass the time with, and when you reach the peak, crux, end of your trek you can both revel in the teamwork and wonder that is the journey you've made.
While I understand and like adventuring solo (sometimes) to get your balance, chi, or groove back, if someone wants to go, I grab whoever's game and have at it. We are communal creatures, we gather in groups and seek a social network. When you're out there so many lines of society disappear and a new basic/primal trust is gained amongst your crew. It's akin to family ties, a sort of tribal bond that inhibits nothing, shows the good in us all, and affects your soul (and life attitude). One of my rules on a campout is "find the outcast, make them feel welcome", because even though they may not be the best or most adventurous they are still an important part of the group machine. Everyone should feel 110% and be able to go home and share their experiences with the same enthusiasm. So give it a shot, ask someone you don't know to go play outdoors for a while and share the experience! The more the merrier I say, and if all else fails, at least you'll have someone to sit next to in the back of the cop car ;)

Ok, I'll do it, lets throw nature out there. Nature is inspiring,  der... But let's give Mother Nature her moment; it's beautiful, healing, central, primal, historic, mind-expanding, peace inducing, confidence boosting, challenge producing, adventure loaded, great grand exploration compelling, journey improving, bit of space we can get away to in order to get back to what matters. It's a full body awe-gasm of experience we all end up loving something about. What else do you really need but a reminder of how awesome it is out there to get you going? My apartment is littered with pictures of epic scenes and groovy features of Earth hung on walls, appliances, sometimes dog, and any flat table-like space I have. It's a reminder of why I feel exploration is what I love to do and the places I want to see or love to be. I only have to look at a picture and run the home movie through my head of my time there or my possible adventure and I get the fizz... I get an adrenaline rush followed by a burst of energy and confidence that I can get anywhere and do anything. If you can't plaster your walls or it isn't your style, no worries, I can do you one better; go outside for 10 minutes and play! Life is amazing, the world we live in is proof of that. When in doubt, quiet your mind and listen to the whispers of the wind and seek inspiration in adventure, and adventure in inspiration. Cheers, beers, and the great outdoors.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Way of the Guide: Chapter 1

The Way of The Guide
A interpretation of all things in the outdoor lifestyle.

Chapter 1: The Werd

Play: 3.exercise or activity for amusement or recreation.

"Backpacking: several days of opening and closing your backpack."

"Anywhere is within walking distance, if you have time."

"That's a first ascent."

"Happiness is the journey, man."

"If you're having trouble finding the path, that's good."

"Oh man... I need to do some yoga..."

"Got a Cliff Bar?"

"It's super lightweight, lightest version yet."

"Gotta keep up those electrolytes!"

"I'm a gear junkie."

"I speak 1 language, wild."

"That line's cleaner than my mind."

"Summit pack? Um... Beer... and... a Cliff Bar?

"God I hate tourists. They don't make attempt to really get to know the places they visit."

"Naked slackline!"

"I love getting back to nature." (while playing Angry Birds on iPhone)

"All I want is nice jugs all day." (Jugs: big perfect handholds... on the rock face... no really!)

"Leave No Trace, pack in pack out."

"East Coast Hang!" (speaking about the bear bag)

"Check out my new FiveFingers dude."

"Got chalk?"

"I like to toss up my hammock and hang out."

"Hardwood bro, can't have a good fire without hardwood."

"Shake my junk to see if it's fitting right." (in speaking about the backpack being purchased)

"What's the difference between the homeless and a hiker? Gore-Tex!"

"I have a leatherman, I can help."

"Got an extra Cliff Bar?"

"900 fill, -20 F, 1.5 lbs"

"Smells like fresh gnar!"

"Just one more mile." (repeatedly said every mile)

"I like to bag a couple 14'rs on the weekends."

"If you try to speak the local language the people love you."

"Pass the Nalgene."

"Epic beard bro."

"It's 440 carbon surgical steel. Like, we could totally do surgery on you right now."

"I love all of nature's creations." *slaps mosquito*

"It's Eco-friendly!"

"It's titanium"


"Don't forget the TP!"

"It's a two-person, but it feels more like a 3-person."

"Altitude sickness is nature's way of telling you to stop being a wuss and climb more often."

"Cliff-diving is totally an extreme sport!"

"I'm an environmentalist." *burns plastic food bag*

"Coffee isn't a luxery, it's neccessity."

"Worst time to have to go #2... ever."

"Anyone need a Cliff Bar?"

"I took some epic photos, and then I dropped my camera down the falls."

"Recovery: The first shower and beer after your journey."

"Found out it was poison ivy, in the worst place possible."

"Toolkit? Leatherman and Duck Tape."

"Hike faster... I hear banjo."

"My dog has his own backpack, cause I ain't carrying his shit!"

"I'm packing in like 3K calories a day. Don't judge me."

"Sky-diving takes a lot of airplane fuel to do. I'm reducing my carbon footprint by basejumping."

"Trail mix is the lazy hikers kitchen."

"Do you speak english?"

"I'm never drinking again..." *beer in hand an hour later*

"It just spoke to me and I knew I had to go."


"Lost another lighter, that's like the 5th one this week!"

"Got any water?"


"Breath dude!"


"Where did I put my teeeeeennnt?"

"Where's the zipper?"



"5/10 is so overated."

"This line's too tight."

"Dude I was THAT close!"


"Dude, was that class 5?"

"Can you get me a pro-deal on that?"

"So can you send me those pics for my blog?

"So we cool to split gas?"

"Their rubber's shit."

"Did you see me nail that move?"

"Can we put some dubstep on dude?!"

"Should we synchronize watches? 3...2...1... oh shit, lets do it again."

"Engage your core bro."

"Good session guys, good session."

"Got any extra wax?"

"Are you sponsored?!"

"Dropping in!"

"I'm just not feeling it today dude, I don't know what's wrong."


"Cliff Bar?"

"Where's my paracord?!"

"So gnarley."

"Can I get a RedBull?"

Shart – When you attempt to fart but follow through.

The Bible – A guide book.
Tree Huggers – Environmentalist.

Virgin – Just entered a new country.

I.N.D.I.A. – I will, Never, Do, It Again.

Brah – Slang for saying bro or brother.