Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I've been brainstorming ideas for new blogs, believe me, I know it's almost random when I post but I'm working on getting as many posts up as possible. However, on my long walks on the beach (in my mind) and afternoons studying the breeze (it's cold) I completely overlooked a timeless ritual that is almost religiously upheld by mountaineers to day hikers alike, the celebration of completion. So I'm going to ask the question: How do you celebrate?
*Photo above: 4.5K miles into road trip.*
*Photo Below: 4.5001 miles into road trip.*
For me it's always with a silent moment to shut everything out and just appreciate the sights, smells, and sounds of my destination. It's that moment of clarity in all the hectic BS of life just fades away and I'm back on planet Earth again. This is usually followed with libations of some sort, a couple pictures (most don't make it to the public eye), and a group hug (mmmmmm, group hug... like a hiker snuggie.). And sometimes a huge fire is raised by someone, dancing and singing, hootin' and hollerin' ensue as the moonrise takes us into the night... Other times it's a well deserved nap in the car before hitting the bars and rollin' deep with your best friends and trail-mates. The next morning is usually followed by groans, eggs, and a breakfast beer. So tell me, what is your celebration like? I'd love to know!


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